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Turn your relentless drive
into a game of vibrant,

lifelong mastery.

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The mission here is simple: to share insights on breaking free from the cycle of conditional validation and elite expectations guiding you from being an overwhelmed, hard-working achiever towards taking command of your story, career and life that truly reflect your essence and worth.

Start here.


Hi - I'm Luciana Olteanu, you can call me Lu.

As a recovering hyper achiever leader myself, I guide overwhelmed, hard-working achievers to break free from the cycle of conditional validation and elite expectations, helping them discover their true selves and worth.


Through learnings that are straightforward, friendly, and as accessible as possible, I enable a transformation towards careers and lives that are genuinely aligned with their essence, offering not just fleeting happiness and achievements but optimal performance for lasting satisfaction and success stories on their own terms.

This is my personal online voice & brand.

[ an open letter to relentless achievers seeking satisfaction and peace ]

Dear Friend,

Recovering from a hyper-achievement mindset is about embracing a life where your success is rooted in self-respect and self-validation and not dependent on or measured by the next promotion, the size of your bank account, or the awards on your "wall".

We approach our work in a way that prioritizes authenticity, satisfaction, and longevity rather than valuing our fleeting professional and financial gains, alone.

We don't ask what's the next thing for us to chase anymore — be it money or professional achievements — but we ask

what kind of life we want to live

and then, and only then, we build our achievements to support it.

We shift from being purely extrinsic doers to incorporating intrinsic motivation in our careers and lives.

It's not about getting more, but finding your optimal.

It's not about a rush of anxiety over an endless to-do list, but about the feeling of satisfaction because we’re living a life that truly reflects our essence and worth.

For too long, we've been running the high-paced race of

achievement, where each new height reached only reveals another, higher peak in the distance. It’s an exciting, yet tiring journey that, despite its rewards, often leaves a void, a sense that something essential is missing.


That something

is the profound connection to our authentic self and a life that reflects not just what we do, but who we are.

At the end of the day, what really matters is achieving the

self freedom and consciousness to live a life that's true to who we are, for the longest possible, while also having fun.

The ways I can help you.






beyond The Ladder

Playing the Long Essence Game






Long Form Content

For Hard Working Achievers






Short Form Content

For Hard Working Achievers


beyond The Ladder

[ playing the long essence game ]

beyond The Ladder

playing the long essence game ]

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Self-mastery straightforward learnings, free from any fluff or BS, to break free from the cycle of conditional validation and elite expectations and take command of your story, career and life for a sustainable satisfaction, beyond fleeting happiness and success.

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